The Latest from Dr. Finger's Desk

Developing a Common Language for Eye Cancer Specialists

Led by its chair Dr. Paul Finger, The Ophthalmic Oncology Task Force (OOTF) is building a foundation of multicenter, international consensus guidelines to allow for better communication and patient care. Along with the AJCC and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS), The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), [..] Read More…

Second Eye Cancer Working Day Overview and Booklet

The Second Eye Cancer Working Day will take place Friday, March 24, at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia, at the Cookle Bay Room 1. The Working Day provides an opportunity for eye cancer specialists from around the world to work together, face-to-face. The day will be divided into several sections, each dealing with [..] Read More…

The Basics of Ophthalmic Ultrasonography (Video)

Ultrasound imaging is an effective method to visualize tumors on, within, and behind the eye. Ocular ultrasound machines generate sound waves that are reflected back by tissue in its path. The sound waves are then translated (by a computer) into an image. Dr. Paul Finger has helped pioneer the use of ophthalmic ultrasound imaging in [..] Read More…

2017 Eye Cancer Working Day Announcement and Schedule

International Society in Ocular Oncology and The Eye Cancer Foundation will sponsor the Second Eye Cancer Working Day on the first day of the ISOO meeting, Friday, March 24, at the International Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia, at the Cookle Bay Room 1. The Working Day provides an opportunity for eye cancer specialists from around [..] Read More…

Applying Chemotherapy Eye Drops Is Easier than It Sounds (Video)

When people hear the word chemotherapy, they generally think of intravenous medication injections to treat the whole body.  Of course, there are also chemotherapy drugs that can be administered orally in pill or liquid form. But there is another option available for treating eye cancer. In 1993, Dr. Paul Finger and coworkers first reported on [..] Read More…

What to Expect During Ophthalmic Plaque Radiation Therapy (Video)

Undergoing eye cancer treatment can be a scary prospect. At The New York Eye Cancer Center, we are committed to giving patients resources to make the experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible. One way to do that is providing as much information as possible before treatment even begins. The following video shows one couple’s [..] Read More…

Study Indicates Link Between Pesticide Use During Pregnancy and Retinoblastoma

A study that will be published in the April 2017 American Journal of Ophthalmology suggests parental pesticide exposure before or during pregnancy may play a role in the development of retinoblastoma. Researchers found using products to kill insects during pregnancy, and up to 1 month before, led to a 2.8-fold higher risk of nonhereditary, unilateral [..] Read More…

A New Way to Support the Work of The Eye Cancer Foundation

There’s a new way to support the work of The Eye Cancer Foundation. The ECF has partnered with Pledgeling, a platform that facilitates giving to nonprofits. Visitors to can search for specific non-profit organizations or general categories they want to support. For instance, searching for “eye cancer” will bring up The Eye Cancer Foundation. [..] Read More…

Comprehensive Metastatic Screening Crucial for Ocular Melanoma Patients

Comprehensive metastatic screening in patients diagnosed with choroidal melanoma is extremely important. Patients at the New York Eye Cancer Center have access to all screening technology commercially available. For example, PET/CT screening  was first investigated at NYECC. It is the only method that surveys the entire body for metastatic spread. In addition to an initial [..] Read More…

The Eye Cancer Foundation Celebrates World Cancer Day

Saturday Feb. 4 marks World Cancer Day. The theme of this year’s event is “We Can. I can.” Cancer affects people in different ways, but everybody – together and as individuals – can take action to reduce the global burden of cancer. The ‘We can. I can.’ campaign reinforces positive and action-oriented messaging about cancer. [..] Read More…

Patient Stories

"Very well treated by Dr. Finger. He explained everything I needed to know about my issue with detail and attention, putting me at ease and giving me confidence to handle this problem for the rest of my life.”

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