The Latest from Dr. Finger's Desk

Knowing the Signs of Eye Cancer

Early diagnosis is one of the keys to successful treatment of eye cancer. The New York Eye Cancer Center has some of the most advanced diagnostic tools and techniques available. These include high frequency and hi-resolution ultrasound imaging for tumors on, in, and behind the eye. We use high definition digital photography, and OCT imaging. [..] Read More…

Get to Know Dr. Finger (Video)

A new video offers a personal glimpse into the work of New York Eye Center Director Dr. Paul Finger. Dr. Finger is an internationally recognized eye cancer specialist. He has spent 35 years in ophthalmic oncology, dedicating himself to learning, improving and inventing new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers in and around [..] Read More…

Eye Cancer Foundation Fellow Publishes Study on Chemotherapy Side Effect

A paper co-authored by Dr. Bikramjit P. Pal highlights a study conducted under the guidance of Dr. Tero Kivelä while supported by a fellowship grant provided by The Eye Cancer Foundation. Dr. Pal worked under Dr. Kivelä at the Helsinki University Eye Hospital during a six-month fellowship from October 2015 through March 2016. During the [..] Read More…

Temporary Prosthesis After Surgery Can Help Ease the Psychological Trauma of Eye Loss

One of the most difficult aspects of losing an eye is psychological. For many patients, the first thing that pops into their mind is, “What will I look like.” Fortunately, with a good ocular prosthesis, the loss of an eye will hardly be noticeable to the average passerby. Over the last 20 years, the amount [..] Read More…

Innovative Glasses Help Patients Maintain Vision and Comfort During Eye Cancer Treatment

Our primary goal is to find more effective ways to diagnose and treat eye cancer, but we also try to come up with innovations that make treatment more comfortable and less stressful for our patients. Consider patients undergoing ophthalmic plaque radiation therapy. This course of treatment involves surgically implanting a radiation source onto the eye [..] Read More…

Sunglasses Are a Must in the Winter Too

“Think of Sunglasses as Sunblock for Your Eyes.” This is a key attitude everybody should develop to help protect themselves from eye cancer and other damage to their eyes. But who needs sunblock in the winter? You do. In fact, you may actually need those sunglasses more in the winter than during the summer. In [..] Read More…

Compassion, Humor and Artificial Eyes Smooth the Road to Recovery

Dealing with the loss of an eye can make patients feel conspicuous and awkward. Darrell Hardin has just the prescription – compassion, humor and beautiful artificial eyes. Hardin is an ocularist in Willoughby, Ohio. He combines technical skill with a sense of artistry to make eyes for patients who have lost them due to disease [..] Read More…

Visionary Newsletter – Winter 2017 Edition

The 2017 issue of The Visionary is now available! The Eye Cancer Foundation publishes The Visionary free-of-charge to keep you informed about the latest news, research, and global efforts focused on improving eye cancer treatment, diagnosis, and cure. In this edition, you will find articles about: Projects for the second Eye Cancer Working Day The [..] Read More…

Early Retinoblastoma Screening Key to Saving Life and Vision

Early screening for retinoblastoma in infants is key to saving vision and life. Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular childhood cancer. It affects approximately 300 children in the United States each year and more than 8,000 worldwide. When detected early, the cure rate is high. But if the diagnosis is delayed, it can result in the [..] Read More…

Eye Cancer Foundation Joins Union for International Cancer Control

The Eye Cancer Foundation has joined forces with Union for International Cancer Control. UICC is the largest and oldest international cancer organization. It has over 1,000 members and 56 partners spanning 162 countries. UICC features the world’s major cancer societies, ministries of health, research and treatment institutions, patient groups, and industry leaders. Membership in UICC [..] Read More…

Patient Stories

"Very well treated by Dr. Finger. He explained everything I needed to know about my issue with detail and attention, putting me at ease and giving me confidence to handle this problem for the rest of my life.”

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