ECF Fellow Presents: How to Save Eyes in Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Abhilasha Maheshwari (above) presents ECF research at Ophthalmic Oncology Meet

November 22nd Cairo, Egypt:

November 22nd Cairo, Egypt: Physician scholars came together for The 2nd Middle East Ophthalmic Oncology & Pediatric Retina Meeting. Organized by Dr. Ihab Othman, the meeting fostered discussion of various topics in ocular oncology.

The Eye Cancer Foundation (ECF) fellow, Dr. Abhilasha Maheshwari, shared recent findings of ECF supported research. She first presented her research with her mentor and ECF-chair Dr. Paul T. Finger. The article, titled Regression Patterns of Choroidal Melanoma After Palladium-103 (103Pd) Plaque Brachytherapy, shows how choroidal melanomas regress after 103Pd plaque radiation therapy.  Initially discovered as effective ocular cancer treatment by Dr. Finger in 1990, 103-Pd ophthalmic plaques have since been scientifically proven to be more gentle and effective than its precursor, 125-I. [See our results after 103Pd plaque therapy for choroidal melanomas on our website!] Results showed the tumors became darker, decreased in thickness, and there was a reduction or complete elimination of the tumor vascularity.

Dr. Maheshwari continued her presentation on choroidal melanoma by discussing patients whose tumors were located very close to the optic nerve. This talk, “A 12-Year Study of Slotted Palladium-103 (103Pd) Radiation Therapy for Choroidal Melanoma: Near, Touching, or Surrounding the Optic Nerve, discusses how using specially designed plaques created by Dr. Finger, even melanomas that surround the optic nerve can be treated with eye and vision sparing radiation therapy (instead of removing the eye). Dr. Maheshwari’s results showed > 98% tumor control, while most had relative preservation their sight and eye.

The Eye Cancer Foundation takes great pride supporting research that improves patient care. Our fellows are given travel grants to spread the word around the world. As we spread knowledge of these unique findings and improved treatments, we also spread hope for those who would alternatively lose both sight and life.



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Read Dr. Finger and Dr. Chagule’s paper here.

Read Dr. Finger and Dr. Maheshwari’s paper here.

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