Advanced retinoblastoma
This type of advanced retinoblastoma with orbital findings is unusual in the developed world and continues to be a therapeutic challenge.

Astrocytic hamartoma
Astrocytic hamartoma - Nodular and calcific.

Bear Tracks
Bear Tracks - Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) in a patient with colonic polyposis.

Cavernous Hemangioma
Note the multinodular retinal vascular tumor. Early phase fluorescein angiography reveals layered fluid levels within the macro aneurysmal dilated blood vessels. Courtesy of Dan Adelberg MD, Photographs taken by Robert Ramsay, COA.

Coat`s Disease
Coat`s Disease - Adult variant with intraretinal microangiopathy surrounded by lipid exudation

Combined hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium

Combined hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium
Combined hamartoma of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE).

Hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
Hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium - Flat, black with peripheral halo (arrow)

Myelinated Nerve Fibers
Myelinated Nerve Fibers at the optic nerve

Retinal adenoma
Retinal adenoma - Juxtapapillary tumor with dark coloration and pod-like extensions.

Retinal and Optic Nerve Leukemia
Retinal and Optic Nerve Leukemia (Infiltrates with Hemorrhage)

Note this tumor extends both beneath the retina (exophytic) and into the vitreous (endophytic).

Endophytic tumor extends from the retina into the vitreous.

Tumor almost fills the anterior segment as to form a pseudo-hypopyon.

Retinoblastoma endophytic without seeds
Retinoblastoma endophytic without seeds - RetCam Image

Retinoblastoma invading the optic nerve
Retinoblastoma invading the optic nerve on histopathologic section.

Retinoblastoma Leukocoria
Retinoblastoma Leukocoria - Exophytic tumor causing a total retinal detachment.

Retinoblastoma leukocoria
Retinoblastoma leukocoria - "white pupil" - The tumor has filled the eye.

Retinoblastoma seeds
Retinoblastoma seeds - multiple fine seeds seen over the surface of a large endophytic tumor.

Retinoblastoma seeds on the iris
Retinoblastoma seeds on the iris (arrows) - Multiple white seeds have migrated onto the iris surface suggesting ciliary body involvement.

Retinoblastoma with orbital extension
Retinoblastoma with orbital extension - External photograph of a child prior to enucleation.

Retinoblastoma with vitreous seeds
Retinoblastoma with vitreous seeds - A medium sized endophytic retinoblastoma.

Retinoblastoma with vitreous seeds
Retinoblastoma with vitreous seeds - Ultrasound correlation.

Extrascleral and optic nerve extension as seen on histopathologic section.

Von Hippel angioma
von Hippel angioma - Note the dilated feeder and draining retinal vessels.