The New York Eye Cancer Center Published Results

Combining state-of-the-art treatments with clinical expertise and a human touch, Dr. Finger has achieved a reputation for unparalleled results for his patients.


Palladium-103 Plaque for Intraocular Melanoma
Small, Medium, and Large Tumors:

  • 400 treated patients
  • 96.7% local melanoma tumor destruction*
  • 79% better than 20/200 vision for 5 years*
  • 7.3% developed metastasis*
* statistical analysis

Palladium-103 ophthalmic plaque radiation therapy for choroidal melanoma. Finger PT, Chin KJ, Duvall G; Palladium-103 for Choroidal Melanoma Study Group. Ophthalmology. 2009 Apr;116(4):790-6

Small “T1” Choroidal Melanoma Treatment
Treated with Palladium-103 Plaque Therapy:

  • 72 patients
  • 100% local destruction “control” of the small choroidal melanomas
  • 94.4% kept better than 20/200 vision (with and without anti-VEGF therapy)

Conclusion: Palladium-103 effectively destroyed small choroidal melanomas while preserving functional vision in most patients.

Palladium-103 radiation therapy for small choroidal melanoma. Semenova E, Finger PT. Ophthalmology. 2013 Nov;120(11):2353-7.

Amniotic Membrane for Plaque Radiation Therapy
Dr. Finger was the first to use amniotic membranes to protect the cornea during plaque radiation of iris and ciliary body melanomas.

  • 63 patients with anterior uveal melanoma
  • 95.2% reported no pain during 5-7 days of eye plaque therapy
  • Fewer plaque-related corneal complications
  • Makes treatment much more comfortable

Amniotic Membrane Corneal Buffering During Plaque Radiation Therapy for Anterior Uveal Melanoma. Semenova E, Finger PT. Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers Imaging Retina. 2013;44:477-482.
Finger’s Amniotic Membrane Buffer Technique: protecting the cornea during radiation plaque therapy. Archives of Ophthalmology 2008;126(4):531-4

Squamous Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva and Cornea
Finger-tip Cryotherapy (with and without topical chemotherapy):

  • 101 squamous cell cancers of conjunctiva and cornea studied for recurrence
  • While overall 12.9% of tumors recurred, only 4% tumors initially treated by Dr. Finger recurred
  • Larger sized, more locally invasive and aggressive tumors are at higher risk for recurrence

Conclusion: Adequate initial therapy reduces the risk for recurrence.

Squamous Carcinoma and Dysplasia of the Conjunctiva and Cornea. Yousef YA, Finger PT. Ophthlamology 2012;119233-240.
Finger-tip cryptherapy probes: treatment of sqaumous and melanocytic conjunctival neoplasia. Finger PT. British Journal of Ophthalology 2005;89(8):942-5

Chemotherapy Eye Drops
Conjunctival Melanoma:

  • Mitomycin: Dr. Finger reported its first use in 1993
  • Treatment of multifocal disease
  • To shrink (debulk) tumors to aid in their removal
  • Currently used around the world

Topical chemotherapy for conjunctival malignant melanoma and primary acquired Melanosis with atypia: 12-year experience. Kurli M, Finger PT. Graefes Archive Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology. 2005;243(11):1108-14.
Topical chemotherapy for conjunctival melanoma. Finger PT, Milner MS, McCormick SA. British Journal of Ophthalmology 1993;77(11)751-3.
Topical interferon alfa in the treatment of conjunctival melanoma and primary acquired melanosis complex. Finger PT, Sedeek RW, Chin KJ. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2008;145:124-9.

Whole Body PET/CT Imaging: Metastatic Melanoma Prior to Ocular Treatment:

  • 333 consecutive patients
  • 2.1% had metastases (primarily liver, also bone)
  • 3.3% had unrelated second cancers

Conclusion: PET/CT improves our ability to detect metastasis outside the liver and second non-ocular cancers.

Initial PET/CT staging for choroidal melanoma: AJCC correlation and second nonocular primaries in 333 patients. Freton A, Chin KJ, Raut R, Tena LB, Kivelä T, Finger PT. European Journal of Ophthalmolpgy 2012 Mar-Apr;22(2):236-43.

Preserving Vision after Plaque Radiation Therapy
Dr. Finger first used anti-VEGF therapy for radiation retinopathy. It is now commonly used around the world.

  • 120 patients were studied over 10 years
  • All diagnosed with progressive radiation damage to their retina
  • With anti-VEGF therapy, 80% maintained two lines or better than their initial vision

Conclusion: This study found that decreased treatment intervals and increased dose of anti-VEGF medication was required to suppress radiation retinopathy and maintain vision.

Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Therapy for Macular Radiation Retinopathy: A 10-Year Study. Finger PT, Chin KJ, Semenova E. Eur J Ophthal. In Press.
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (avastin) for radiation retinopathy. Finger PT, Chin K. Archives of Ophthalmology 2007;125(6):751-6

Iris Tumor Biopsy: New, Safe and Effective Method
The Finger Iridectomy Technique:

  • 56 successful biopsies of anterior segment tumors
  • No loss of vision
  • 11.5% had transient increase in intraocular pressure
  • No infections or cataracts

Conclusion: Patients experienced fewer hemorrhages and less overall side effects than with standard biopsy (iridectomy).

Anterior Segment Tumor Biopsy Using an Aspiration Cutter Technique: Clinical Experience. Petousis V, Finger PT, Milman T. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;152:771-775
The Finger Iridectomy Technique: small incision biopsy of anterior segment tumors. Finger PT, Latkany P, Kurli M, Iacob C. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2005;89(8):946-9.

Minimally Invasive Biopsy of Orbital Tumors: “FACT”
Pilot Study:

  • Three patients underwent orbital tumor biopsy via Finger’s aspiration cutter technique (FACT) through a 3mm incision
  • FACT orbital biopsy may be used for metastatic tumors, inflammation, infections and hematomas.

Conclusion: FACT is a new and effective diagnostic surgery with the advantage of being minimally invasive compared to standard orbital biopsy techniques.

Minimally invasive anterior orbitotomy biopsy: Finger’s aspiration cutter technique (FACT). Finger PT. European Journal Ophthalmology 2012;22(3):309-15.

Looking Good After Enucleation Surgery
Quality of Life Study:

  • Temporary prosthesis offered at 3-5 days rather than 1 month after surgery
  • 87% tolerated “early” placement of prosthesis

Conclusion: All patients preferred their appearance with temporary prosthesis versus a clear plastic conformer.

Early ocular prosthesis insertion improves quality of life after enucleation. Chin KJ, Margolin CB, Finger PT. Optometry. 2006 Feb;77(2):71-5.





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"Very well treated by Dr. Finger. He explained everything I needed to know about my issue with detail and attention, putting me at ease and giving me confidence to handle this problem for the rest of my life.”

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